Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ode to Backpack...and Other People's Blogs

Study Day Number... well, I don't know how many days I've been studying, but it sure feels like a lot. Therefore I am taking a break to once again update you on something I think is very important: my backpack.

Backpack, you have served me well, not only carrying my books to and from class each day, but also being stuffed to the brim with large amounts of clothing, and carrying my groceries. I have not needed to buy but one reusable grocery bag at Dunnes or Tesco because you have served me in carrying my groceries. When I stuffed you full of clothing on my European excursions, you did not rip or tear like others' bags. I have carried you at St. Ben's, along the 20 minute walk to the UCC Campus, and across continental Europe. Thank you, backpack.

Now that that bit of ridiculousness is over with, I can bring up a second point. My friends are fantastic bloggers. I haven't been able to stay up on a lot of them more recently because I've been gone, but last night my study break consisted of catching up on most of them. My friend Kate in Guatemala wanted me to write her blog for her--ridiculous! She is a fabulous writer and I have loved hearing about all her adventures. My roommate for next year, Steph, also just wrote a beautiful reflection piece on her time in Guatemala as well. And another roommate for next year, Alyssa, her blog made me laugh out loud! I only hope that my blog has been half as entertaining as theirs.

Thank you for the distraction! Now back to work!


  1. I like your blog.I;m waiting for your new posts.

  2. You are too sweet. I like your blog too! :)

  3. Your blog is GREAT!! especially when it's to backpacks :) I laughed!
