Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Private Tutoring Session

I just have to share this story because I thought it was quite interesting. In fact, my Monday was very interesting...

1. I have Aspects of Irish Folklore on Monday afternoons at 2:00. The first day of tutorial, only eight people showed up, out of about 24. The following week, there were four people. Needless to say, the weeks have gone by and the number has slowly dwindled to, That's right. I was the only one who showed up to my tutorial on Monday. Granted, it's a time for us to ask questions, so we don't really need to go unless we have questions, but I like to go just to have the material we are learning in class reinforced. Luckily, I already had a back-up plan in case no one else showed up, so I asked her a question and she lectured the entire hour! It was actually kind of nice. I'm curious to know what the next class thought when only one person walked out of the room...

2. Funny story #2. After the tutorial debacle, I went to the library to polish up an art history essay. As I'm standing in line of the open reserve in order to check out a book, the girl in front of me is clearly having trouble checking out her book. After about four tries, she turns to me and asks if I know how to check out a book. Best part about it: she's Irish! It's quite hilarious that having only been here two and a half months, I know more about the library than most of the Irish do. That could be saying something about me, as well...

Turning in my art history essay today was definitely a weight off my shoulders, but I have three tests, an oral exam, and another paper to look forward to before my classes end. It should be a pretty busy next couple of weeks where academics are concerned.

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