Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Tree" Bags of Starbursts Later

Dia Diaobh! It's about 45 degrees here in Cork today, and it's absolutely gorgeous. The sun has decided to grace Ireland with its presence for both Saturday and Sunday, quite a rarity from the weather I've seen thus far. With the sun shining warmly, the city of Cork has come alive. Sundays are usually pretty quiet around here because all the shops are closed down, but there were plenty of families out on the trail and in the park today. I hope the weather is as nice wherever you might be!

This weekend has mainly been an opportunity to catch up on the studying that I had turned a blind eye to the first month that I was here. Tomorrow is my big art test, but I've had other readings to catch up with as well. Luckily, my roommates have an equally intimidating stack of homework to do, which is why the party palace turned into the homework hut this weekend. Four out of the six of my roommates camped out in the living room yesterday (including me) with our laptops, papers, and books spread all around us. Thankfully we had treat's that Liz's mom sent us! We literally ate three bags of Starbursts in less than a week. You would think that we were starved for candy or something...

Unfortunately, one negative about constantly being near a laptop all weekend is that you begin to figure out how to watch American television. We've found a couple of great websites that play not only current TV shows, but also movies. I foresee procrastination.

Although this weekend would have been perfect to travel, I can't say that I mind being in Cork. I love feeling like a true Corkonian. It was great to go on a run today and actually know where I was going!

So then, here are the random tidbits for the week:

As you can see by this post's title, the Irish pronunciation is a little different for certain words. They don't use the "th" sound often because they don't have that sound in the native Irish language. With all of my roommates having papers due this week, we've also had a lot of fun looking at the different spellings of Irish English words. Basically anything that ends in "-or" becomes "-our" and anything with a "z" becomes an "s".

RAG week starts tonight. RAG stands for Raise and Give, and is essentially a massive, week-long fundraiser that includes some pretty interesting events. For example, one event is an assignment relay, in which one person gets the assignment and has to run it over to the library, where another person sits to type the assignment before handing it off to the last person who must bring it over to the Student Union. Assignments are graded on completion speed, quality of writing, and how funny the writing is.

I guess that's all. I would love to hear from ye (you all) so feel free to send emails. Slan!

1 comment:

  1. Love to hear about what's going on, Allison. Sounds like a fine weekend. Keep the details comin'!
